Gallery 39 – Yusuke
I remember seeing photographs of Yusuke many years ago, admiring his abs-perfect physique on a social media channel and chatting him up. It was not easy since he seemed to be shy about showing his face in the photos he posted. Photo after photo of his teasing abs and chest but no face! Of course, this enticed me to get to know him more. Eventually, though, he gave way and revealed his face. He said he knows his strong point, but I encouraged him that he was good looking. It’s good to know that not everyone is super vain or a narcissist. I was delighted to meet him in person and we conducted the shoot in my Chai Wan studio. This was 2012. The shoot was for my 3rd book The Asian Male – 3.AM. I chose what I thought were the best images according to my sense of aesthetics, and for what my eye was seeking. So what we have here is a kind of remastering and rediscovery of what I had in the archives, overlooked by me, and are added to a few of my original selection back in 2012. I hope you like them.