Just got this message today when I opened up Patreon. I guess they may be imposing some tax onto your payments. For a small amount, I hope this doesn’t affect you too much. 

Otherwise I know it has been awhile as I am juggling several things at the same time. New website designs and some rethinking on how to approach new ways of business with Covid-19 in our daily lives. 

I’m working on a new post as I am typing this out, so please bear with me for awhile longer. Also one Patron was hoping to see several post a week (on the Asian Male Project). Unfortunately, that cannot be the case. My aim to have at most 1 post per week… I hope that is okay for the time being. 

Okay, feel free to read the notice below. In the meantime, please take care and stay distancing!




Pardon the interruption, but we want to make sure you’re aware: we’re being required by law to start adding sales tax to some patron pledges starting July 1st.

This won’t affect all of your patrons, but some of them may see a small increase to their pledge amount.

We recommend you get ahead of it and reach out to your patrons, before we email them on June 1st, to prevent any unpleasant surprises. We really think they’ll appreciate hearing it from you first. We’re here to help you navigate this. We’ve provided all the info you need, including suggested messaging for your patrons.