Cyrus Luk, or better known as Aaron, passed away at his home last week (this writing 9 May 2012). He was a personal trainer at California Fitness, a popular young man with aspirations of becoming the next Mr. Hong Kong. I didn’t know him extremely well.

It’s very strange to pull out negatives of someone so young that has left this earth to another realm. It has happened all too often in the last few years. I sat there lost while looking at the images; is it like that all the time? We assume that the people we meet  will always be around us, never to die on us.

The image shown here was taken in 2002, a few years after I first started photographing the Asian male series. I never thought I got the best of him in the studio, except the washroom scene, where he wanted to be photographed while he was shaving. It was awkward in the small bathroom (the plight of many flats here in Hong Kong). but I managed to get a few nice ones. 

To those that knew Aaron, wherever your Soul resides, this is what memory I have that is engraved on film.
